Cable Management
Cable management is one of the last things people consider but it has a huge impact on the feel and functionality of your desk. Keeping power and data cables off your desk and tidied away under the desk makes your workspace more pleasant to use and easier to clean, removing the risk of feet, hoovers or office pets getting tangled. Plus it keeps the whole office space looking tidy too.
Cable Manager Spines
Our Metalicon Linx cable spine has been designed with office installation in mind. It’s incredibly easy to tailor it to fit your desk or workspace with options for standard desks, height adjustable desks and to connect cable trays.
Linx Cable Management Spine
Expertly engineered cable manager
Cable Wrap Socks
Our fabric cable socks are designed for standard desks as a quick and easy way to zip all your vertical cables together. You can fix them to the underside of the desktop and make use of internal fasteners to keep power and data cables separate.
Fabric Cable Sock
Zip-up vertical cable wrap
Metal Cable Trays
Untidy power and data cables are unsightly, make cleaning difficult and can pose a safety risk. Use of a cable tray underneath the desk helps to keep cables neat and tidy and the workspace clear. Our range of simple but strong steel cable trays is designed to suit various desk sizes and arrangements.
Metal Cable Trays
Simple but strong under-desk cable management
Metal Cable Basket Trays
Cost effective under-desk cable management